Brokers, Consultants & Advisors

Trusted Partner
MedBill Management is the trusted partner of employee benefits consultants nationwide. All of our cost containment solutions are designed to supplement, not compete with, the comprehensive services provided by your current benefits consultant or broker. We play a critical role in any successful employee benefits strategy by holding the Claims Payers accountable and ensuring that plan dollars are not wasted on ineligible dependents or unnecessary claims expenses.
The majority of our Client referrals are from benefits consultants and brokers who are familiar with our work and recommend MedBill Management to all of their most important Clients. Benefits consultants and brokers work extremely hard to design cost effective benefit plans that maximize employee satisfaction while minimizing cost. MedBill Management’s role is to help ensure compliance with the plan design and that plan dollars are not wasted on unnecessary claims costs or expenses related to ineligible dependents.
Collaborate On Cost Containment
MedBill Management spends extra time with the consultant/broker/advisor at project onset to discuss areas of concern that our Audit Team should pay particular attention to. At the conclusion of the project, MedBill Management typically reviews the findings with the benefits consultant or broker in advance to brainstorm about opportunities to improve any plan specifications and plug any leaks that are driving-up plan costs, but are not adding value for the plan participants.
If you would like to learn more about how our services can potentially help your Clients achieve their cost containment and compliance objectives, please feel free to call (716) 225-1371. We would love to talk about how MedBill Management can become a trusted partner in your efforts to provide best-in-class service and recommendations for your Clients.
Sample RFP
If you/your Client have a more formal, request-for-proposal, procurement process in place, please refer to this sample RFP for suggested questions.
Dependent Eligibility Verification
Learn more about this critical component of managing compliance and controlling costs for all of your health plans.