Spousal Employment Verification

Many organizations have recently added, or are considering adding, a “working spouse provision” to their health plan. Essentially this means that if an employee’s spouse has access to other coverage through his/her employer then the spouse is not eligible for, or is subject to a surcharge for, coverage through the employee’s plan.
For organizations that are considering whether or not to adopt a working spouse “carve-out” or surcharge, MedBill Management can determine how many spouses would be impacted by the provision and help quantify the opportunity for savings. We can also help organizations that have already implemented a working spouse provision determine if employees are complying with the provision.
Spousal Employment Verification services can be included as part of comprehensive Dependent Eligibility Verification project, or as a stand-alone service.
Dependent Eligibility Verification
Learn more about this critical component of managing compliance and controlling costs for all of your health plans.