Retiree Drug Subsidy Reopening Services

The service applies specifically to organizations participating in the Medicare Part D Retiree Drug Subsidy (RDS) program. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) allows RDS Plan Sponsors to analyze their previous RDS filings for compliance purposes and for additional subsidies for up to four years after the original final reconciliation. This has created opportunities for RDS Plan Sponsors to appeal to CMS to reopen up to four previously reconciled plan years.
The highly-specialized reopening process is the RDS services industry gold standard and has resulted in an average increase of overall subsidy dollars of 8-15%. Best of all, these RDS reopening services are available on a risk-free, contingency fee basis. This means that Clients are only billed for a percentage of the additional subsidy collected once the money is received.
Contact us to learn more about this unique, niche service that can have a very positive impact on the bottom line, with no up-front fees.
Dependent Eligibility Verification
Learn more about this critical component of managing compliance and controlling costs for all of your health plans.